Lifeline Outreach Society
I first met Lifeline 21 years ago. I was living in alleyways and underneath cardboard when it rained. My entire motivation in life was getting my next drink. My upbringing had been harsh so I looked to alcohol for peace from the age of 11 onward.
Then I met the Lifeline people. They were downtown with their “Blue Bus”, serving up hot chilli and sandwiches, and giving out grocery bags and clothing. I hit it off with them right away; I sensed that they truly cared. I felt they could see my true heart through the façade I kept to protect myself.
So I kept coming back. Eventually, at my suggestion they began to explore rehab with me. I went to multiple rehabs and we remained friends throughout all of these transitions. They believed in me. They prayed over me, telling me that I had great worth and that God had a good plan for my life. The Holy Spirit was tugging on my heart strongly but my troubles didn’t end there. I spent some time in jail. I vacillated between helping others and abusing substances.
Then one day I cried out to God to change my life, to either take the addiction from me or to take me home to Him. From that day on I began to truly change. I went to rehab one more time and started my new walk with God. He burned into my heart what I wanted out of life, telling me that I had to change my behaviour and my thinking would follow.
After 8 months of sobriety, I met a wonderful woman, got married, got a job, and became a productive member of society. Life isn’t easy but my marriage is growing and I am sober. I truly believe in God and am seeking Him out for guidance on a daily basis. We attend Church and I find the support I need to stay on the straight and narrow through friends, family and fellow Christians and am looking at all the many blessings God has given me throughout my whole life. I’ve always had a tender heart even at my worst times and now God is using me to reach others who are in similar situations.
Lifeline started me on my walk with God. I will always be grateful for their love, care, and support. My testimony is to “never quit trying for God never gives up on you.” Lifeline certainly never gave up on me.
Peter Today!
Would you join us in caring for hundreds of others like Pete?
We exist to meet the critical needs of the homeless and less fortunate in the downtown core of Abbotsford and Aldergrove BC. Started in 1988 by David Poulette, Lifeline is a registered, not-for-profit organization and registered food bank (Registration # S-26572).
By taking our outreach into the streets of the downtown core we offer hope, despite circumstances, by reaching out. With a stretched out hand, we help those who need us, whether it’s a hot meal, clothes, groceries, finding a place to stay, or just someone to listen and counsell them through a difficult time. Lifeline empowers people to improve their lives, not only through assistance, but by giving them hope.
Will you join us in giving the gift of compassion in the name of Jesus today by providing hope through your gift of time, prayer, clothing, food, or funds
Together we can improve the lives of vulnerable people in Abbotsford and Aldergrove. Let’s take this rare opportunity to mobilize the power of compassion in our own community.
Thank you for your love and care.
Janice and David Poulette
Working together to bring healing and restore lives.
The Blue Bus has become a friend to the homeless on the streets.